Nestbox Monitoring Resources

Albury Wodonga regional parks are home to several endangered arboreal mammal species including the Brush-tailed phascogale Phascogale tapoatafa (also known as Tuan) and Squirrel glider Petaurus norfolcensis.

Both species are threatened chiefly by habitat loss, especially the loss of tree hollows from the landscape, which they need to nest and raise their young safely.

To support their survival, Parklands and other regional land managers have installed an extensive network of artificial nesting boxes in the regional parklands. While far inferior to natural tree hollows, these boxes provide temporary safe spaces for arboreal mammals to reproduce.

Nest boxes are monitored twice yearly by community volunteers with the support of Parklands Rangers and Council staff. Volunteers register to monitor boxes in a specific locality using specialised equipment provided by the land manager, and record their findings using a simple mobile app.

If you would like to join the Nestbox Network of volunteers, please follow this link to contact us.

Please click the button below to open the Parklands Albury Wodonga Nestbox Portal

Nest Box Check Form

Form used in the monitoring of Nest Boxes in the Albury Wodonga Area

Old Nestbox Forms

Old Nest Box Installation GoogleDoc

Old Nest Box Monitoring GoogleDoc