Parklands are long term partners with the very active Baranduda Landcare group (BLC) who have been carrying out works and projects since 1997.

The group has planned and delivered significant environmental restoration projects in the Baranduda area on both public and private land, particularly in the public environmental lands and along Middle creek and the Kiewa River including revegetation, weed control, roadside habitat care, nestbox programs and endangered flora and fauna recovery.

Community engagement and education have also been a focus, with volunteers working closely with local schools, developing an informative online presence and and running highly regarded community information sessions.

Partnership projects have enabled Baranduda Landcare Group and Parklands Albury Wodonga to tackle the more inaccessible parts of the steep Baranduda Regional Park as well as extend bush restoration efforts to the higher conservation value roadsides and degraded lower Yackandandah Creek and the Leneva section of Middle Creek. Key areas we work on together include:

  • Control of pests – Assessing pest animal populations, rabbit fumigation
  • Control of weeds – Biological controls, applying herbicide, physical removal, assessing and mapping weed infestations
  • Cleaning up waterways – Assessing water (quality) habitat elements, fencing, removing rubbish, revegetation/replacement planting and recreation trail assessment
  • Revegetation – Fencing, planting tubestock
  • Biodiversity and habitat preservation – Assessing habitat condition, installing artificial habitat features such as Nest boxes, nest box mapping and monitoring
  • Engaging the community – Community consultation, training, preparing and distributing education material, organising community events, schools biodiversity programs, community planting days