Developing the High Country Rail Trail

The Koetong Shelley Development Association (KDSA) has been informally managing the magnificent section of the rail trail from Shelley Station through to Koetong and the Boggy Creek bridge since the late 1990’s.

This active Group has been instrumental in the realisation of the High Country Rail Trail. Former railway platforms at Shelley and Koetong have been restored, boundaries fenced and heritage signage installed at Shelley Station and Boggy Creek Trestle Bridge lookout.

KSDA has also worked in partnership with Hancock Plantations on a range of projects. Arrangements were negotiated to enable forestry harvesting activities and public access to be managed for mutual benefit.

The Upper Murray Landcare Group and KSDA were also instrumental in facilitating the successful Upper Murray Blackberry Taskforce Pilot Project, which the Victorian Government is currently replicating across the state. As a consequence of working across land tenures, in partnership with all landholders, a significant volume of blackberries along the rail trail have been kept in check.