This active Friends Group works on the High Country Rail Trail between the Sandy Creek Inlet and Old Tallangatta. Established as a result of a public meeting in 2002, the Tallangatta Rail Trail Advisory Group – known as TAG –  has been instrumental in the realization of the High Country Rail Trail.

The degraded and inaccessible disused railway corridor between Sandy Creek Inlet and Old Tallangatta is now a popular multi-purpose recreational trail.

In addition to the ongoing maintenance and management of this section of the rail trail, some of the significant achievements of this volunteer group include;

  • Restoring the former Tallangatta Goods Shed,
  • Significant revegetation plantings along the trail to improve biodiversity and outcompete weeds,
  • Creating equestrian paddocks, hitching rails and a separate equestrian trail – very popular with the local horse riders,
  • Installing 260m of safety hand rails on three railway bridges,
  • Restoring three trestle bridges (total of 120 metres in length and up to 11 metres in height) and a restoration of another timber trestle bridge underway,
  • Controlling invasive weeds between Shelley and Tallangatta,
  • Inspiring, lobbying and negotiating for the building of the iconic 600metre Sandy Creek bridge over eight years.  TAG was instrumental in this project, working closely with Towong Shire to secure funding for the Sandy Creek Inlet bridge and support implementation despite the challenging logistics,
  • Running Friends Events, including the ever popular Tall Trestle Treadle and the Jarvis Creek Jaunt, and sundry nature walks exploring the history and environs of the High Country Rail Trail,

TAG holds monthly meetings on the first Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm at Tallangatta Goods Shed, Tallangatta – new members are most welcome. The group also holds monthly working bees to maintain and improve the trail – generally the second Sunday morning after the Monday meeting.