Parklands Albury Wodonga is a not-for-profit, cross-border community organisation  managed by an honorary skills-based Board of Directors.

The organisation has operated since the late 1990’s using a social enterprise business model, focusing on community involvement in all aspects of bush park management, including on ground conservation, recreation and heritage projects.

The Parklands Board of Directors represent the key stakeholders and the general community.

The board’s role is to undertake strategic regional parkland planning, develop policy and to monitor the development of programs on behalf of the community. The board has adopted the “Carver Model” of policy governance, which requires a strong focus on achieving strategic outcomes. As such the board does not become involved in day-to-day operations.

Potential Directors wanting to contribute their time and skills are welcome to attend a Board meeting as an Observer. At such a meeting there will be opportunities to question Directors and in turn express your views on potentially becoming a Board member.