Alarming cat research points to pets too

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Alarming cat research points to pets too

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  3. Alarming cat research points to pets too

It is alarming to read recent research from the Australian Threatened Species Recovery hub that calculates the number of animals falling prey to cats in Australia every day.

Across the country 3.1 million mammals, 1.1 million birds and 1.8 million reptiles are killed by cats each day.

While the majority are killed by feral cats, the pet moggy is also responsible for a substantial proportion, with research breaking down the average number of mammals, birds and reptiles killed per cat to:
A feral cat in the bush – 748 animals/year
A feral cat in urban area – 449 animals/year
A pet cat – 76 animals/year

Read more here:

Our thanks to NECMA for supporting our Pesky Pests campaign, with funds from the Victorian Government.

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