From the few ‘scout’ birds noted some years ago in Wodonga, there are now reports of flocks of 20 and more Indian Myna birds in residence.

The feral birds have been spotted in Castle Creek, Felltimber Creek and Baranduda, and appear to be breeding rapidly.

Indian Myna birds are an invasive species, introduced into Melbourne, Canberra and the cane fields of Queensland in a failed attempt to control horticultural pests. Since their introduction they have multiplied and spread prolifically, reaching us from Melbourne in the last couple of years.

These aggressive birds form large, noisy flocks and overrun the habitat of resident native birds and animals. They are omnivorous eaters and aggressively oust other species from available nesting sites like tree hollows and nest boxes.

As well as posing a real threat to native wildlife, they are also very messy birds which love all of the ‘perks’ of human habitation, creating a health hazard to humans and making their roosting sites unusable for recreation.

In other areas where Indian Mynas have established, community trapping programs have been successful in reducing numbers. The Canberra based Indian Myna Action Group have been working since 2006 to tackle the Indian Myna invasion. Their website has plans for DIY Myna traps including the highly successful ‘PeeGee’ trap. A useful handbook on Indian Mynas and control is available through the Clarence Valley Conservation in Action Landcare here.

As far as we are aware, there is no organised action being taken in Albury Wodonga to stem the Indian Myna invasion. If you are interested in taking action, or if you are aware of Indian Myna activity in your local area, please contact us on


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