Capturing Autumn on the Rail Trail

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Capturing Autumn on the Rail Trail

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  3. Capturing Autumn on the Rail Trail

Autumn brings such magnificent range of colour and drama to the bush. Days of blue sky are interrupted by incredible cloud formations, from bright white stacks to dark and roiling grey. The retreating sun brings a soft evening light, when turning away from a spectacular smoke red sunset reveals the eucalypts in the east bathed in golden light, trunks and limbs freshly shed of bark, glowing smooth white and pink.

Let’s capture those moments from the beautiful 2022 season we are experiencing.

Geoff Bayes, volunteer with the High Country Rail Trail and keen photographer, is regularly out in nature around Huon, catching that special light and those special moments on the Weir, along the Rail Trail and beside the Kiewa river.

Parklands invite you to send us your best snaps of moments in nature on the High Country Rail Trail this autumn. We’ll feature your great local photos on our Facebook page every week until June, and include the best in our newsletter.

Please email photos with your name and description of each photo (where, when and what) to

All photos will acknowledge the photographer unless you request to remain anonymous.

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