Community partnerships drive Murray River restoration

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Community partnerships drive Murray River restoration

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  3. Community partnerships drive Murray River restoration

Local restoration efforts on Murray River river frontages received a terrific boost this week with support from the Rotary Club of Albury Foundation for a landscape scale environmental restoration project.

The Rotary Club of Albury is contributing $10,000 towards environmental restoration along the Murray River between Albury and Lake Hume.

The river corridor restoration is a long-standing project supporting regional community aspirations to restore the natural landscape of the river and provide recreational access to more than 60km of river frontage.

The restoration will provide connectivity all the way from the Wagirra Trail in Albury to Lake Hume. This will enable recreation such as walking and cycling along the corridor as well as access to the river for picnicking, kayaking and fishing. Most importantly, the restored corridor will provide connected habitat for local ecological communities.

Parklands is leading the project, negotiating access, coordinating community partnerships and supporting volunteers in the restoration, revegetation and fencing required to make the vision a reality.

Community Ranger Ant Packer welcomes this injection of funds from the Rotary Club of Albury Foundation grants program. “Most of the frontages where Parklands is Committee of Management have already been fenced and revegetated through the efforts of local volunteers from all walks of life” she said.

Parklands believe this is ambitious project is a world first; a long-distance river nature trail created largely through community and business partnerships. That the project is forging ahead in this time of uncertainty shows that, with the community on board, anything is possible.

If you would like to get involved with any aspect of this exciting project, please enquire with us at 

Our sincere thanks to the Rotary Club of Albury.

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