Community Stewardship Program Needs YOU!

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Community Stewardship Program Needs YOU!

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  3. Community Stewardship Program Needs YOU!

Do you want to get out in nature and make a difference to our local parks and reserves? Parklands’ Stewardship Program has aimed to put the onus of conservation in the hands of the community. It is important that the community be invested in the restoration and maintenance of our natural areas if these areas are to survive and thrive both now and into the future.

Last month’s Stewardship day at Devil’s Glen was a great success with many volunteers turning up ready to lend a hand in ridding South Paddock of elm and privet. In all, across four volunteer mornings in April, 2000 woody weed stems were removed! These accomplishments prove that the community can achieve tangible outcomes and improve the natural spaces around us.

This month, our Stewardship day is in Thurgoona on 31 May from 9am til 11am, so come on down! Click here to get all the details and to register.

Under the guidance of our Rangers, you can learn about invasive species and how to remove them. A weed we will be targeting is privet. Not all species of privet are considered a weed, however, three species in particular are of concern in NSW, including narrow-leaf (Ligustrum sinese), European (Ligustrum vulgare), and broad-leaf (Ligustrum lucidum). Dense monocultures of privet can threaten local biodiversity as they prevent native species from establishing, and they spread easily through seeds which are dispersed mainly by seed-eating birds such as pied currawongs, silver-eyes, and rosellas.

You don’t need any prior knowledge (or even to know what privet looks like!) as our Rangers will direct you and provide all the tools. You just need appropriate clothing (long pants, closed shoes) and a can-do attitude! We hope to see you there!

Thanks to Albury City Council for the financial support of the Park Stewardship Program.

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