Confused about Recycling? Greenius is here!

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  3. Confused about Recycling? Greenius is here!

Confused about Recycling? Greenius is here!

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  3. Confused about Recycling? Greenius is here!

A recent newsletter from Clean Up Australia introduced ‘Greenius’ – an online learning platform designed to help people recycle better and engage kids about sustainability.

We’re keen to share this great program, that so easily clears up questions about recycling.

Clean Up Australia have found that currently, only one in four Aussies (25%) separate waste correctly at every opportunity, and almost 50% still put soft plastics in their kerbside recycling bins. Up to 35% of our recycling is currently being lost to landfill due to contamination.

Greenius is a free online learning platform that takes the confusion out of recycling and makes it makes it easy for both adults and children to learn to recycle better.

Featuring interactive games, quizzes and fun learning modules, Greenius is available for all residents in Australia with bin instructions tailored to your local area. Clicking on your state right at the start ensures you are getting the right information for your home. No more confusing cross-border bin rules!

Have a play with Greenius here. Happy recycling!


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