Despite some detours caused by floodwaters, the Walk ‘n Talk celebrating Seniors Month on Gateway Island proceeded as planned this week.

Parklands Ranger Danny Jones led 15 participants for the walk from the Sustainable Activity Centre to the Bhutanese Community Farm and back.

With the underpass beneath the Lincoln Causeway still under water, the group crossed the Causeway to rejoin the walking path beside Lemke Rd.

The legacy of the floods was very much evident, with debris and silt beside the path and a partially cleared fallen gum tree forming an interesting thoroughfare.

Further along the walkers turned onto a vehicle access track still soft but firm enough to walk on, following a farm fence hung top to bottom with flood debris. This was all under water only a couple of weeks ago.

On reaching the Murray river the path improved and the revegetation work Parklands has been doing came to the fore. The new dirt track beside the river has made a very pleasant walk up to the Bhutanese Community Farm.

At the farm volunteers continued their work on weeding, bed preparation and compost making while Ranger Tilak Chettri took some time to explain the aims and origins of the Community Farm. The all but bare garden beds were testament to the trials of recent months, with cockatoos and floods decimating the vegetable plantings. The audience were most interested in the gardens, the choice of vegetables and the future of the harvest, and Tilak gained some sage advice from seasoned gardeners.

Turning towards home, the walkers took a short cut under the bridge to emerge behind the Gateway Village, pausing to inspect a beautiful wrens nest in the reeds nearby. A cuppa and chat at the Sustainable Activity Centre completed the morning.


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