It was with great sadness that Parklands Albury Wodonga learnt of the recent motor bike fatality of Gordon Ellis.

Gordon only recently started volunteering with us. He brought enthusiasm and enjoyment to our week, his insightful conversations reflecting a man who had lived a rich and full life. Gordon shared many stories whilst beavering away removing environmental woody weeds on the southern side of Baranduda Regional Park.

Our sincerest sympathies go to the Ellis family.

Staff and volunteers who were privileged to share some of Gordon’s life refer to a section of Baranduda Regional Park as “Gordon’s Patch”.

Gordon was part of a team effort to clear environmental woody weeds that had grown over farm tracks, enabling spray rig vehicle access to tackle Blackberry and environmental woody weed infestations on this very steep southern side of Baranduda Regional Park.

Thank you to the North East Catchment Management Authority for their five year Bush for Birds project commitment that is  providing resources to address these threatening processes. Thank you also to the Working for Victoria team who have been “human bulldozers”, clearing thick infestations of Tree of Heaven and Figs from one of the steepest gullies on the southern side of Baranduda Regional Park. 

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