Hazards of the heat… take care out there

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Hazards of the heat… take care out there

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  3. Hazards of the heat… take care out there

Here is a timely reminder of the hazards that prolonged periods of hot weather can create for people venturing out into the bush or our local river reserves.

The photo was snapped last week along the High Country Rail Trail just east of Killara. The River Red Gum had dropped a limb that crossed the entire width of the rail corridor. Given the extreme heat and subsequent fire risk, the chainsaw was not appropriate so the tree was cleared off the track with hand saws by Parklands Rangers.

Venturing outdoors comes with numerous risks, however fallng trees and branches should be easily avoidable by taking the right precautions. Parklands Albury Wodonga urges people to take extra care on hot days (especially windy days, or those hot still days that we have been experiencing lately), and avoid parking under gum trees or spending any extended length of time under gum trees that have the potential to fall or drop limbs.

River Red Gums are particularly susceptible to falling or dropping limbs in hot and dry conditions. Trees may look completely healthy, but you simply can’t predict if and when a tree will fall or shed a limb. It is important to note that limb shedding and tree falls are a natural and important part of the Australian bush, creating hollows in trees for native animals and woody debris for ground dwelling fauna like birds, small mammals and lizards. 

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