Hunchback Hill Review: Rehabilitation required

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Hunchback Hill Review: Rehabilitation required

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  3. Hunchback Hill Review: Rehabilitation required

Following the release of the much anticipated independent review of mountain bike tracks at Hunchback Hill, Parklands Albury Wodonga looks forward to working with the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) to plan track closures and rehabilitation works.

The review confirmed that track works at McFarlands and Swainsona reserves, developed and built without following the correct planning process, have resulted in significant environmental impacts.

Parklands Chairman Daryl Betteridge has acknowledged that allowing track development without obtaining the required planning and environmental approvals “…has resulted in a poorly planned and developed network of tracks in an area which contains significant environmental values.” 

“Once the rehabilitation plan is agreed, and the relevant approvals are completed, Parklands Albury Wodonga will work with key stakeholders and the community to complete the works within an 18-month period.”

“The management of the remaining network of approved mountain bike tracks will then be formalised with the mountain bike club through a licence under the Crown Land Reserves Act 1978.”

“As part of this process, an advisory group with representatives from the key stakeholders will be established to support the implementation of the rehabilitation plan for the site,” Mr Betteridge said.

DELWP Regional Director Clare Kiely acknowledged that the process to review the extent and impact of the track network had taken longer than anticipated to complete. “Community concern regarding the management of the reserves has been evident prior to and while the review has been completed,” Ms Kiely said. “DELWP will now work closely with Parklands Albury Wodonga, stakeholders and the community to finalise the rehabilitation plan, and ensure that the correct governance and planning processes are in place.”

Hard copies of the full report are available for review at Parklands Albury Wodonga and DELWP’s Wodonga office.

Electronic copies are available below:




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