Local trails feature: Petes Track – Guys Track Circuit on Nail Can Hill

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Local trails feature: Petes Track – Guys Track Circuit on Nail Can Hill

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  3. Local trails feature: Petes Track – Guys Track Circuit on Nail Can Hill

Despite many people being out and about, there is always somewhere in your local area to get away from everyone and everything. This week we bring you a circuit to immerse yourself in the teeming wildlife and magnificent high conservation value bushland of Nail Can Hill.

This walk will give your lungs an excellent work out with numerous steep ups and downs.  Cross-trainer runners (need grip) or hiking boots are recommended to avoid slipping on the steep descents.  The Himalayan porter technique of climbing and descending the steep terrain will preserve those knees.

A big thank you to NSW Crown Lands and Albury City Council for their current works upgrading the fire trail network.  This is evident on the very steep sections of Petes Track where the placement of rocks and berms will ensure these fire trails last long into the future, minimising maintenance and excess run-off into adjoining bushlands.

Distance: 6.2km

Time: 80 minutes 

Elevation: 372 metres of climbing

Grade: hard

Getting to the start: off Union Road, Norris Park, North Albury. There is a big informal parking area at the base of a very steep fire trail under powerlines.  Turn right off Union Road at the 25km tight bend just before the Albury Crematorium.

Directions: Ascend the very steep fire trail under the power lines to Norris Ridge.  Turn left at the top of the ridge and follow a rough fire trail that becomes more defined.  This fire trail takes you across the ridge.  Turn left into Petes Track rather than descending down the recently graded fire trail into Hamilton Valley.

Pass through some yellow barrier gates and continue to climb up then steeply descent into the upper reaches of Black Swamp Creek.  This is the same waterway that you pass near Glenroy Community Centre at Burrows Road but in a much more pristine condition in the Upper reaches.

Climb up, around and continue on Petes Track through to the junction with the main Ridge Track.  Part-way up there is a big opening area where the Guys Track has been closed for erosion control.

Turn left (south) at Ridges fire trail and enjoy the relatively undulating terrain before turning left down Guys Track and gently then steeply descending down to freehold land.

At the boundary fence with the private property, turn left and cross the gully then climb very steeply up the overgrown section of Guys Track.  The steepness of this fire trail is the reason why it has been closed and left to overgrow.  This is suitable for walkers but not bikers due to the amount of regrown and sheer steepness.

Once up at the junction with Petes Track, turn right and head back down then up the fire trail.  Remember to turn right into Norris Park and not left into Hamilton Valley.  One last very steep descent to Norris Park on Union Road at the overhead power lines. 

There are so many different circuits on Nail Can Hill. We will continue to share ideas for one-hour long circuits on Nail Can Hill. Equally, we would love to hear from you.  Share your favourite local circuits with us at info@parklands-alburywodonga.org.au or on our Facebook page


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