Mars staff tackle woody weeds on Rail Trail

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  3. Mars staff tackle woody weeds on Rail Trail

Mars staff tackle woody weeds on Rail Trail

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  3. Mars staff tackle woody weeds on Rail Trail

A huge thank you to Mars Petcare staff who turned out for a woody weeding workout on Wodonga Rail Trail on October 20th.

Seventeen people from the Mars Engineering team arrived along with three large trailers at an overgrown site between Huon and Osborne Streets and launched into an intensive woody weeding session. Highly invasive Ash trees had been multiplying exponentially in this area over the past couple of years.

Two hours later, a record 8 packed trailer loads of the weeds had been removed, clearing the way for revegetation of this section of the Rail Trail next winter. The cleared area will need monitoring and further treatment to prevent re-infestation by the Ash, which seeds and suckers prolifically.

This working bee launched our Victorian Landcare funded Wodonga Regional Park Revegetation and Restoration project, which will tackle weeds and bring native vegetation back into Wodonga regional parklands over the next 12 months. If your organisation would like to get involved via a staff working bee, please contact us.

This project is supported by the Victorian government.

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