Growing chemical free produce on a small scale is taking off along the Murray River.

Slow Food Mildura checked out the Bhutanese Community Farm on Gateway Island today and swapped stories of a similar urban farm project with the Burundi Refugee Community in Mildura.

Slow Food is an international network which preserves traditional and regional cuisine and promotes sustainable and regional farming. Earlier this year Slow Food North East Victoria chapter was established, meeting monthly at Beechworth Honey to hatch ideas to connect producers with consumers.

A date for your diary:

Slow Food Mildura is hosting the 2016 Australian Slow Food National Conference from 17 to 20 November 2016.

Paddock to Plate Experience:

Bhutanese Community Farm also received it’s first booking for summer 2016 for an end-of-year Paddock to Plate dinner on the community farm.  Contact us if you would like to book a food experience on the farm.  Proceeds go towards economic participation for refugees.

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