Nail Can Hill Joins Interactive Map Family

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Nail Can Hill Joins Interactive Map Family

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  3. Nail Can Hill Joins Interactive Map Family
Parklands Albury Wodonga is excited to announce the completion of another Interactive Map!

Did you know that there have been over 18,000 visits to the interactive maps in the past year?  It is because of strong community demand for these interactive maps that our team has been working behind the scenes to create and ground truth more of these maps.

But Why?

Nail Can Hill is one of Albury Wodonga’s most treasured outdoor spaces for both people and nature.  It is one of the highest conservation value hills in Albury Wodonga.

The Nail Can Hill interactive map is intended to be a guide for walkers, hikers, mountain bike riders and other nature enthusiasts to help them navigate the large sprawling nature conservation park that is Nail Can Hill.  This map seeks to clarify what is public and private land, highlighting current trails on public land only, and identifying points of interest in the hope of inspiring people to explore this bushland safely.

Thank you to our partners

Special thanks to the Albury Wodonga Orienteering Club  and the Albury Wodonga Mountain Bike Club  for their work over the decades in piecing together this interactive map. Thank you to Albury City Council for their ongoing management and maintenance of Nail Can Hill.

Get involved

Parklands is pleased to support the volunteer Friends of Nail Can Hill who have taken a tenure-blind approach as the eyes and ears of Nail Can Hill.  Join their events and working bees .

Want to share your favourite routes, loops or walks so others get to explore more of Nail Can Hill?  Check out the Walking Maps Initiative and help promote interesting and unique routes and loops that others might find interesting!

The maps and the data utilised by them are intended to be free and open for anyone to use, download, and modify under a Creative Commons Licence 4.0.

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