Here at Parklands, our 4wd vehicles are the lynchpin of our operation. They make our environmental work possible. They enable us to access the furthest reaches of our bush parks, safely transport volunteers, cart the materials and equipment we need for our environmental restoration work.

True to our philosophy, we reduce, re-use and recycle as much as possible. With our vehicles, that means extending their lifespan for as long as possible; treating them with care, driving economically, ensuring regular maintenance to keep them in top condition, operating as efficiently as we can to minimise mileage.

This royal treatment has enabled us to clock up more than 600,000 km combined mileage on our three 4wd utes – that’s most of the way to the moon and back! One of these is a 2002 Hilux, the others 2007 Tritons – we think not bad lifespans for daily workhorses operating in wet, steep and often rough terrain.

Sadly, their reliable working lives are almost done, and we need to replace them. Our GiveNow fundraiser is now open for donations to this cause, and we welcome any contributions large or small.

Your help will enable us to continue actively caring for the magnificent environments of the bush parks and high country of North East Victoria and Southern NSW.

Please give now at

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