Painting Australia’s Rarest Waterbird Back Into The Picture

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Painting Australia’s Rarest Waterbird Back Into The Picture

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  3. Painting Australia’s Rarest Waterbird Back Into The Picture

The Australian Painted-snipe is Australia’s rarest breeding waterbird, with only 340 individuals remaining and little known about their habits.

Listed as nationally and globally Endangered, the strikingly beautiful Australian Painted-snipe is continuously relegated to the too hard basket for in-depth research. Dr Matt Herring and a ‘dream team’ of experts are seeking community help to change that.

The tracking team are calling for contributions to fund a tracking program, which will help with understanding the movements of these cryptic, near-mythical ghost birds, revealing their well-guarded secrets using the latest satellite and mobile phone tower technology.

A crowd funding campaign has been launched with a target of $116,00 to fund in-depth, dedicated work on this desperate species. With more than 200 supporters, including many organisations collectively representing thousands of people, the campaign has already raised more than $91,000.

With 11 days and $25,000 to go, the team are in need support from individuals, clubs, community groups and businesses to get this tracking program operational.  Please help spread the word on this important campaign.

Go to to find out more about the extraordinary Australian Painted-snipe, and make your contribution.

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