Project 66 – the 66km trail along the Murray River continues to progress as we near the end of 2023.

The final boardwalk on the Gateway Island circuit has recently been installed.  This relatively small but significant project has been problematic due to flooding and access issues, but persistence and some quick footwork when the opportunity finally arose means the boardwalk is now securely in place.

This development gives visitors the opportunity to circumnavigate Gateway Island using the 15km bush trail. Stay tuned for opening celebrations!

With planning permission recently secured, further boardwalks along the P66 route will be installed as soon as river levels drop.  Wodonga Men’s Shed have begun fabricating these boardwalk sections.

The Project 66 committee were also thrilled to hear recently that Parkland’s bid for funding for bridges to connect Gateway Island to Browns Island, which is just east of Gateway Island, has progressed through the first stage of assessments. This exciting news bringing this P66 aspiration one step closer to reality.

The project bid includes funds to install a  footbridge over Flanagan’s Creek, potentially providing another 9km circuit of natural bushland to connect with the 15km circuit around Gateway Island. Parklands are keen to hear from community on the appetite for this new connection.

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