RACV assists Bhutanese Community

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RACV assists Bhutanese Community

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Getting to the Bhutanese Community Farm on Gateway Island just became much, much easier for staff and volunteers. Last week a second hand 4WD vehicle was purchased with funds provided by the RACV Community Foundation.

The vehicle will enable the Community Farm to operate more efficiently and support a wider diversity of community. It will double as a workhorse and transport vehicle;  transporting older and socially isolated refugees to participate in volunteer work on the community farm and delivering the farm’s fresh produce.

As a regional city, public transport is both limited and expensive, making participation for socially isolated people that bit more challenging. Amongst recently resettled Bhutanese refugees, older refugees and those with limited English language skills are being increasingly socially isolated, with mental health and well-being implications. The vehicle will be a community resource and enabler; supporting mental health recovery, creating opportunities for social and ecomomic participation, and building stronger partnerships.

The vehicle will also make it easier to set up for off-farm catering events, where all cooking and serving equipment needs to be provided.  Contact us if you are interested in contracting the community farm team to cater for your next event.

The RACV Community Foundation provides funds to grassroots community service organisations that look to improve mobility in Victorian communities, with a view to enhancing social cohesion, safety, and/or environmental sustainability. Since 1997 the RACV Community Foundation has approved grants of more than $3.7 million to more than 300 community organisations. Our thanks to RACV for this generous support.

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