Riverside recreation? Keep your wits – it’s flood season!

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Riverside recreation? Keep your wits – it’s flood season!

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  3. Riverside recreation? Keep your wits – it’s flood season!

Some of our walking trails on the Kiewa and Murray Rivers are currently inundated, making for very soggy walking at best, dangerous conditions at worst. The less adventurous may prefer to keep your feet dry by choosing some hill trails for your daily exercise.

It is difficult to know when these trails will or won’t be accessible. This is because river levels here don’t just change when it’s raining. Inflows further up a very large catchment can mean far more than what’s happening on the ground locally. When additional gates are opened at Lake Hume, water levels here can change at very short notice.  Even in the time it takes you to get back to your vehicle, the level may rise.

Please think twice before parking near the Murray River or Kiewa River. Best to park on higher ground and walk that little bit further just in case!

This warning echoes that of the SES for caravanners, campers and visitors on the Murray River this spring, asking people to stay informed with warnings from their state, keep watch for rising floodwaters when visiting the Murray, move camps and caravans to higher ground before the water rises and access tracks are flooded and decide how they will stay safe, protecting lives and property in the event of a flood.

General information about preparing caravans, flood warnings, and how to be ready for floods is always available from www.ses.vic.gov.au (Victoria) & www.ses.nsw.gov.au (New South Wales). Please download the flyer from the SES below.


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