January 25, 2022Interpreting Swainsona Nature TrailThe newly installed interpretive signage on Swainsona Nature Trail reflects the rich diversity of the…
November 29, 2021Movement on McFarlanes Hill TrailsParklands appreciate the many responses to our recent community survey on plans for the McFarlanes…
July 12, 2021Bringing traditional insight to on-ground park stewardshipThis year we are very pleased to be able to expand our hands-on park stewardship program…
December 3, 2015WAN Community Plan puts Burraja front and centreThe Wodonga Aboriginal Network Community Plan 2015-2019 was officially launched at Gateway Community Health today. Four priority areas…
October 8, 2014Parklands a winner in Wodonga Council’s 2014 grants programSix of Wodonga’s artists and cultural organisations and five local events have received funding as…