Parklands welcome DoE students and can work with Award Leaders to support projects for every section of the Award:

For Voluntary Service we can support Environmental Service projects such as caring for a conservation reserve, implementing an environmental restoration project, setting up environmental education activities here at the Leneva Enviro Hub and much more. Or how about organising a clean up campaign in one of our parks for Clean up Australia day, or running a fun fundraiser for one of our volunteer groups? We have plenty of opportunities…

In the Physical Recreation section, students can ‘break into a sweat’ on our tracks and trails with activities like hiking, orienteering and cycling. How about walking a section of the High Country Rail Trail or taking on the 7 Summits Challenge?

For Skills development we can offer hands-on training in all aspects of day to day park management and bush restoration, and students can learn skills like GIS mapping, wildlife monitoring, even event planning and communications. Perhaps your Skills can be developed with us as we roll out Project 66 – a new walking trail along the Murray River between Albury and Lake Hume.

Parklands can even help with ideas and resources to develop your amazing Adventurous Journey. How about walking the whole 75km of the High Country Rail Trail, or hiking the Hume and Hovel Track from Albury to Yass?

Please contact us to set up projects for your DoE experience.