Volunteers nip weeds in the bud

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Volunteers nip weeds in the bud

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  3. Volunteers nip weeds in the bud

Mick Elliott has discovered many of the biodiversity gems in Albury’s Environmental Lands over the past few months volunteering with PAW. Pictured below are a sea of Everlasting daisy flowers and native grasses in a remnant patch. Nearby are a few Olive trees that are starting to spread through this remnant bushland.

Olive trees are becoming a common threat to our native fauna and flora. Birds consume ripe olives, then drop seeds whilst roosting on big old native Box trees on our roadsides and environmental lands. Wild olive trees then grow and spread exponentially. Thanks to the continuous efforts of many volunteers assisting PAW, these environmental threats are being ‘nipped in the bud’.

Andrew Bassingwaite is our ‘Weeds Warrior’ on Eastern Hill. Armed with bow saw and glyphosate, Andrew has been removing Privett that has spread from backyards into this magnificent bushland. Thanks Andrew for keeping PAW staff abreast of locations for other very challenging weeds, including Bridal Creeper and Blackberry, so that these too can be ‘nipped in the bud’ before they overtake our native treasures.

PAW has been working with volunteers to ‘cut and poison’ Olives, Genista, Privett and other environmental weeds from the natural areas across Albury local government area for the past two decades. Thank you to Albury City Council for this much valued partnership.

By keeping on top of these weeds whilst they are small in number, we are saving significant time and money while protecting remnant bushlands. Together with community, we are helping nature adapt to climate change and tackle the new and emerging weeds that the changing climate is bringing to our region.

If you see something new whilst on a walk through your patch of nature, please let us know so together we can ‘nip in the bud’ any new or emerging issue. Phone 60236714 or email infor@parklandsalbury-wodonga.org.au 

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