Wildflower season off to a great start

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Wildflower season off to a great start

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  3. Wildflower season off to a great start

With a dry season warming fast, we were delighted to find a lovely display of native flowers on our first spring Wildflower Walk in Castle Creek Conservation Reserve this week.

On Wednesday Parklands ranger Danny Jones led a group of eager walkers up the hill into the woodland, where we found early wildflowers in full bloom including orchids, sundews, hibbertia, guinea flowers and heaths. With help from the native plant and bird enthusiasts in the group, we identified 14 flowering natives and 21 different species of birds!

On our next walk we can expect a whole different range of plants to be flowering. The walk is fully booked, but please check our Eventbrite listing as cancellations will open new places.

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