This week’s walk in the Castle Creek Conservation Reserve delighted participants with kangaroos and birds in abundance and wildflowers everywhere.

The first of our spring Wildlfower Walk ‘n Talks started unexpectedly cold and windy, but leader ranger Danny Jones was pleased to find a whole range of wildflowers undamaged by the weather.

From the showy displays of the pea species to tiny groundcovers, orchids and lilies, once particpants had our ‘eyes in’ we spotted the delicate natives of this area everywhere. We were thrilled to discover the beautiful flowers of tiny Lomandra multiflora, see the difference between Chocolate and Vanilla Lilies and smell the vegemite scent of Ovens wattles. 

The next Wildlfower walk is on 24th October and we expect to see many different species in flower, including the blue pincushion plants we noted in abundance. Register here.

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