The wildflowers are in full swing at Swainsona Reserve in West Wodonga. Each week something new appears and the earlier blooms fade. The hills are alive with the sounds of tiny pollinators, busy helping turn flowers to seeds, and so it goes on…

The vegetation of Swainsona Reserve is broadly known as Box gum grassy woodland, with widely spaced trees interspersed with more open grasslands and wildflowers.  

Once you could walk all the way from Melbourne to Sydney through almost continuous woodlands like this. Today this is nationally endangered ecological vegetation community.

We are fortunate to have such a high-quality remnant of these woodlands so close to home. The reserve is always worth a visit, but if you haven’t seen them, the wildflowers are worth a special trip up Felltimber Creek Road this month.

Ranger Chris Allen took these great photos last week while working on our Box Gum Stewardship program. If you’d like to join our Rangers and find out more about local examples of Box gum grassy woodlands, sign up for a morning or two here.

The program is supported by the Australian Government’s Bushfire Recovery Program for Wildlife and their Habitat.

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