In a first for the township, Kiewa residents have been able to keep their cool this summer down by the river, taking advantage of access on their doorstep. Public access to the Kiewa river has been possible for the first time, thanks to a strategic land purchase by the Indigo Shire.
Parklands Albury Wodonga wish to acknowledge the significant time, effort and advocacy of locals from the Kiewa River Reserve Action Group (KRRAG). The group advocated for this river access back in 2013 as part of the Kiewa Community Plan, and have persisted in their efforts to make this dream a reality for the past 8 years.
Knowing the importance of river access over summer, Parklands were very pleased to be able to install the gates and fences to enable safe public access just prior to Christmas in 2021. Parklands staff enjoyed a great Kiewa Store burger by the banks of the river after completing the task.
A big THANK YOU to Indigo Shire Council for their leadership in Kiewa township. Parklands look forward to supporting the local community to further implement the aspirations identified in the Kiewa River Community Park Masterplan.