What better way to spend a Saturday morning than weaving and yarning with a like-minded group on the green grassy river flats of the Murray river?
Our thanks to Dhuduroa Elder Aunty Valda Murray for leading this gentle session, teaching fifteen keen students to weave using traditional techniques.
The group, with experience ranging from none to 20 years of basket weaving, equally enjoyed the meditative morning, sharing stories while working on our rafia creations.
The workshop was held on little known crown land at the end of Bidstrup Rd in West Wodonga. Surrounded by newly planted native plants on the one hand and the confluence of Travellers creek and the Murray river on the other, the site, complete with picnic table, was perfect.
Lovely weather, a warm campfire and some shared food at the end of the workshop all added up to a memorable and relaxing morning.
Parklands acknowledge the support of the Victorian Government for this workshop series, and the work of many community volunteers who have helped to restore the natural values and establish this beautiful picnic area.