While this winter’s local flooding is problematic in many respects, the rain is also setting up 2022 revegetation plantings for success.
This year, Parklands are working with community volunteers to revegetate nature corridors created by kilometres of newly installed stock exclusion fencing. Local organisations including schools, WAW bank and recycling company FC Circular , plus many families and individuals have already pitched in to bring this project to life.
With the full support of adjoining landholders, we have pegged out and installed new fences and planted more than 5000 native plants into corridors on the Murray river floodplains west of Wodonga.
And there’s more to come. Another planting day is scheduled for Saturday 27 August, this time with members of the Rotary Club of Albury Hume. As always, all are welcome.
This revegetation will have multiple benefits. Not only will it improve the protection of large hollow bearing trees, vital for native birds and precious arboreal mammals like the threatened Squirrel glider, it will also bring back biodiversity to areas that have been bare paddocks for decades, providing habitat for the return of native wildlife.
Another important benefit is the creation of protected, connected corridors. These will enable wildlife to travel across country – a way of helping nature adapt to climate change.
Overall, this project aims to improve the health of Murray river floodplains and ultimately, contribute to restoring the health of the mighty Murray river.
This project is supported by Parklands Albury Wodonga, through funding from the Australian Government’s Murray–Darling Healthy Rivers Program and the Victorian government.