On Gateway Island, resilient nature is rebounding after months under water – and our resilient volunteers are also back on the job!
Undaunted by the total inundation of the Community Farm, the community jumped right back in to clean up once the water receded last week.
Thanks to the Bhutanese gardeners for their ingenuity in helping recover the rainwater tanks. The farm tanks had floated away on flood waters and had to be rolled back into place.
Thanks also to Murray Valley Centre volunteers for helping clear five fallen trees around the Gateway Island River trail. The team also scraped mud, sand and mould off the concrete path.
Clearing up really brought home the fragility of the large trees when the ground is just not solid enough to keep them standing. Although their shade is tempting, please be aware of the danger of falling trees and do not park or stay under trees. This is a dangerous time, with saturated soil causing many trees to fall without warning.
Volunteers are finding the cleanup jobs interesting and varied, with many unexpected effects of the floods coming to light. It is certainly great to have the help of our community to get the parks back into shape and the trails fit for use again.