With the Community Stewardship Mornings about to begin again for the year, Parklands would like to thank the community members who have been working with Rangers to remove weeds from parks and reserves around Albury over the past year! These volunteers are ordinary people who enjoy being out in nature and are keen to learn more about our local environment. If this sounds like you, we’d love to see you at one of our stewardship mornings!
So how does it work? The program runs once a week for two hours in various places and is a great way to give something back to nature while improving these areas for the community to use and enjoy into the future. The purpose of this program is to encourage volunteers to step in and learn how to take care of our local parks and reserves. The good thing is that you don’t need to know a single thing about weed removal or how to tell native plants from invasive species because Parklands Rangers will be there to guide you! And you don’t have to come every week! The mornings are all separate events, so you can pick and choose where and when suits you best.
Some examples of recent stewardship mornings have involved the removal of woody weeds from popular areas such as Browns Lagoon, the Wagirra Trail near Horseshoe Lagoon, and at Corrys Wood.
Invasive lavender was also targeted at Monument Hill.
If you’d like to be involved in our Community Stewardship Mornings, please see our Events page which has all the information you need and how to register. The program resumes on Thursday 6 Feb.
Thanks to Albury City Council for the financial support for this program.