October 26, 2021What snake is that?With the warmer weather our cold-blooded friends are out and about again, so be careful…
October 18, 2021All in a day’s workAlong with the weather and snakes, the daily hazards of a Field Ranger now include…
June 28, 2021Community Planting mornings commence – all welcome!A stunning location on the Kiewa river and glorious sunshine greeted our first community planting…
September 10, 2020Great Walks at WoomargamaWith school holidays approaching and beautiful spring weather to enjoy, September is a perfect time…
May 7, 2020Firewood: where to find local and legalIt’s firewood season and the weather is perfect for a bit of hard yakka collecting…
July 4, 2019Revegetation projects in full swingWinter is planting season and no matter the weather, Parklands rangers are out and about…
April 11, 2019First ‘Tastes of the Garden’ beats wild weather at the SACThe first ‘Tastes of the Garden’ hosted by the Bhutanese Community Farm last week was…
October 19, 2017Bike Food Trail an eye-openerAfter some issues with poor riding weather in September, the inaugural Bike-Food-Trail rides in Wodonga…
October 4, 2017Fulford Bridge restoration completeThe final phase in the restoration of Fulford Bridge was completed without a hitch last week.…
August 17, 2017Flood season has arrivedWith wild weather and heavy rains, flood season has arrived; we hope slightly less vigorously…